I dig music. Enough said...

Monday, November 26, 2007

And the Music Goes On

This is my last blog for the semester, but I must say, I’m going to miss blogging for borderbeat.net.

When writing each blog, I learned something new about music and bands, in particular. I also was able to refine my album reviewing skills and find better ways to describe the music I was writing about.

This blog also helped me branch out in my music taste. I normally stick to indie music and stuff that is mostly underground or prestigious to other music connoisseurs.

However, when keeping the border in mind, I forced myself to listen to music that I don’t typically listen to. I didn’t necessarily like every band that I blogged about, but they all had intriguing stories and I came out with one that I actually like quite a bit. Ryan Bingham was my favorite artist to blog about, and I really liked that he used growing up along the border for inspiration with his music.

I was also able to produce a form of news that I enjoy myself. I love reading about music, especially album reviews, and wanted to be able to provide that to others. Going into this semester, I didn’t realize that I would learn as much as I did and grow to appreciate other genres of music.

My advice to future Border Beat bloggers is to pick a topic to blog about that you truly love. You will be enthusiastic to blog, and that will be reflected through the quality of your blog. Also, you will learn more about your passion, which is always self-rewarding.

Blogging is a great way of staying updated and updating others, and I encourage everyone to blog in some way because it is a great method of communicating.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Since you liked Ryan's music....here is a link to his first music video that we recently did out near the border (in and around Marfa, TX)
